EAN stands for European Article Number (AKA: GTIN-13 / EAN-13) and is the type of bar code that is used internationally to identify unique products at the point of sale. Similar to a UPC, EAN’s are a series of numbers set against a bar line graphic; in fact, the two types of bar codes are almost identical.
Unlike UPC codes, which have 12 digits, EAN codes have 13 digits. The first 3 digits are the “Country Code” aka: GS1 Prefix, and indicate the GS1 Member Organization where the manufacturer registered the bar codes. This is somewhat related to the region in which the manufacturer operates. The digits after the “country code” prefix are the unique number that is issued to each company. The EAN code closes with the last digit, the Check Digit, which is used to ensure that a bar code has been correctly scanned.